You just need 5 minutes and these 6 mobility exercises to boost your running warm-ups, according to a fitness coach

Two reasons running is so popular? It’s an accessible and affordable hobby. A good pair of the best running shoes and a sprinkle of motivation are all you need, which is when a sound warm-up routine comes in.
When searching for ways to warm up for a run, you’ll find many routines — but here’s one for the colder, winter months when your muscles are feeling frosty and stiff.
If you’re unsure where to start, here’s the perfect pre-run warm-up routine designed by fitness coach Caroline Idiens.
Watch Caroline Idiens’ 5-minute running warm-up routine:
Just five minutes of warming up before a chilly run could make all the difference to how your body responds during your session. And it helps reduce the chance of injury, so you can have a stronger, more enjoyable run.
Caroline suggests performing 20 reps of each move before you set off and completing 2 sets to ensure you’re super warm. You may even take off a layer or two.
It’s time to hit those winter miles without a niggle in sight.
Here’s how to do each of the exercises step-by-step.
1. Squat reach
This exercise engages the lower body muscles, shoulders and upper back. It also helps open the hips and engage your core:
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing forward
- Lower your body into a squat by bending your knees and pushing your hips back
- As you stand up, extend your arms from the floor to overhead
- Lower into the squat again and touch the floor with both hands
- Repeat for 20 reps.
2. Hip circles
Your hips are important when running, so it’s vital to loosen up the muscles and joints around them to enable free-flowing movement during your run:
- Place both hands on your hips with your feet shoulder-width apart
- Lift one knee to hip height and circle your knee outward
- Rotate from the hip before touching the foot to the floor and bringing the knee up to circle again
- Start with small circles, then gradually work up to a full range of motion to slowly increase the movement in your hips
- Switch legs after 20 rotations.
3. Lunge twists
This exercise will warm up the quads, calves, hamstrings and glutes and activate your abs. The twist helps loosen up the spine and lower back and the combo move is great for switching on your coordination:
- Stand with your feet flat hip-width apart and your arms folded across your chest
- Step forward into a lunge with both knees at a 90-degree right angle
- Engage your core and twist to the left
- Return to the center, stand up and repeat the move with a twist to the right.
4. Leg kicks
This dynamic kicking exercise targets the hamstrings while engaging your glutes and challenging balance. It also switches on your core muscles and helps get the blood flowing:
- Start with your feet together and chest high
- Keeping your left leg as straight as possible, kick your left leg forward and reach forward with your hands toward your toes
- Return to standing, then repeat with the right leg, alternating sides with each step.
5. Hamstring sweeps
Tight hamstrings can lead to lower back pain, so we recommend stretching them out gradually before you head out for your run:
- Stand with your feet together
- Extend one leg straight in front of you with your toes pointing up to the sky and foot flexed
- Gently lean forward towards your knee and sweep your hands across the ground
- Lift your torso to stand upright, then step forward and repeat on the other side
- As you work through your 20 reps, aim to reach both hands lower to the floor each time.
6. Butt kicks
Butt kicks are a great way to warm up the hamstrings and knees without loading the muscles. They also raise your heart rate and get the blood and oxygen flowing through your body:
- Stand with your feet roughly hip-distance apart with your hands on your hips or across your chest
- Run on the spot, bringing your right heel toward your buttocks by contracting your hamstrings, then your left
- Alternate heels and gradually build up speed for 20 reps.
Why should you warm up before going for a run?
Nothing beats a frosty early run in winter, but warming up is crucial for priming your body and reducing your risk of injury. A mobility routine also gets your heart pumping faster, which means more blood and oxygen flow through your body.
“Dynamic stretching involves moving parts of your body through a full range of motion in a controlled, repetitive manner,” says Caroline. “These movements are typically active and can mimic the exercises or activities you’re about to perform.”
You’ll find a dynamic warm-up boosts circulation and heart rate, helping deliver more oxygen to your muscles, joints and connective tissues. This prepares the body to move better by activating the muscles you’ll use during running.
Researchers from Boise State University found that runners who warm up with dynamic stretching improved running economy and movement efficiency. Plus, one study published in BMC Medicine shows those who warm up can reduce their injury risk by up to 60% compared with those who don’t.
The proof is in the pudding; warming up is a non-negotiable before any run, no matter the season.
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